Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

About me and my life

Hello,i think i didn`t even need to tell you about my name..karena dari E-mail ID,you can see my name through it. Gw lahir february 28th 1995....and if you want to know about my hobby,it is strange hobby a little suka nonton WWE show everyweek (despite it was banned in my country since 2007) I`m a college student,and now it was the beginning of it.

 My relationship status???duh jangan tanya deh,sooo tragic and full of irony..Gw gk prnh yg namanya dating alias pacaran,jadi jgn tanya soal cinta2an ama gw...percuma tenang aj gw msh normal kok so don`t` think kalo gw mengalami kelainan atau semacamnya.

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