Senin, 22 September 2014

Sands/Sense Mangga Dua Square

Hai guys!Welcome back to X-E Blog in your boring day...alias Monday hahahahahaa....I know this a boring day,as John Cena failed to becoming WWE Champion again for a 13 time on Night of Champions...hahahahaha Totally wrong place to talk about it.

So it`s been a while since I wrote my last posting.Third semester is sucks for me,with the tasks and deadline.Pheww...since this is for my own future,I have no idea how to take care of this blog hahahaha.But,you know,ever since I got busy,I got many new things to be write on my blog.And this time,away from those transgender,I gonna featuring the food article.Maybe this time is not about the food itself,but about the restaurant.

For you who live in Jakarta especially the North,you must be no stranger about Mangga Dua.Yes,Mangga dua or ussually being abbreviated as "Mangdu" always shadowing people`s mind as "The City of Electronic Stuff".As you can find many kinds of electronic product there.But did you know,Mangdu also has such a high class restaurant on it.It is a "Dim-Sum Restaurant" with the "All You Can Eat" system.The Restaurant`s name is "Sense"

(Entrance of Sense)
Inittially the name was "Sands".But I heard there is a dispute between the management and the Mall`s comitee.Because of that,The Mall`s Comitee takes over the restaurant and change it into "Sense" (with the pronouncation is simmilar).

Here,you can enjoy much of Chinese style food as well as local food.You must be know the meaning behind the tagline "All You Can Eat" right?Sense Restaurant,enabling you to test your durability hahahahaha.You can eat as much as you can,but with the same is about Rp 60.000 - Rp 100.000.Unfortunately,I didn`t know the exact price.So make sure you bring enough bucks in your pocket okey?But of course,the price is totally after Taxation alias Pajak.

As I know,aside from the main food (Dim-sum) there`s still many food featured in this restaurant.The food like Fried Rice,Fried Noodles,Hak-pau or something (Bakpau or Buns-like white bread with meat inside),Ikan Mas (it is actually the yellow dumplings with shrimp inside it,appear in fancy yellow fish along with the eyes hahahaha very cute),Daily Soup,Chicken Rice,Jelly and more.You can also enjoy few drinks here like Tea,Coffee including Milk or just a black coffee,or fruit soup.

(Daily Soup)
For you who want to try to go there,You must sometimes get ready to also test your patience hahahaha The food ussualy get busted before you try to get it from it`s cart.So ussualy,the waiter will go along with the cart full of food,and you can get it from the waiter himself.I go there at least three times,and Dim-sum is at number one who always get finished first...along with siomay.

And I give you some tips.Whenever you go there,make sure you make a reservation first (at least few days).Because Sense never be a silents place.It always crowded like it was.And other tips is,don`t go alone,it is an All You can Eat restaurant,so it is too sadly if you go alone,and enjoy a little amount food there.The last tips is,make sure that you finished all of the food.Because if you leave any food left in your plate,the restaurant will chrage you 8 bucks each food.So beware of this hahahaha.

(It always crowded in weekend)
And hey,nearly forgot to mention,Sense sometimes featured a Live "Concert" to appease the customers.The stage however,never be utilised when I got there.So I can`t tell you guys about what they feature in that stage,and I didn`t get any photographed of it either.
So,did you interested to go to Sense?I believe you are!

So thanks for reading,And Keep Living in the Moment with Me JEFF HARDY!

Mangga Dua Square 5th Floor, Jl Gunung Sahari Raya No 1, Mangga Dua
(021) 62312888, (021) 62313300
Mon - Sat 11:00 - 14:30 & 18:00 - 21:30
Sun 08:00 - 14:30 & 18:00 - 21:30 

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