Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Dark Aeons (Final Fantasy X)

Hi guys,I fullfilling my promise to write you about Walkthrough of way to defeat the Dark Aeons in Final Fantasy X.The Dark Aeons are the optional boss from FFX International and PAL version of the game.So for North American player,they can`t enjoy this feature.But from the website,i found out that in Final Fantasy X HD Remastered,all type of game is International,so from now on,North can play it.

So as I say,DA is optional,you may or not fight them.But their purposes is giving the player something to do upon completing the main story.All DA is sucks,mainly because of their near-perfect stats.They also boast amount of HP and MP to kill you easily.Actually all of this Boss can be defeated by Yojimbo`s Zanmato attack,but defeating them with startegy and good stats would be more fun!

They also non-elemental,so it doesn`t mean,if Dark Ifrit use his Hell Fire againts our Ifrit would heal Ifrit.

Possible Story of Dark Aeons

After Lady Yuna and her Guardians branded as traitor of Yevon,They escaped Bevelle.So the task to stopped them at any cost is launch to all 8 Evil Summoner.This corrupt all of Aeons and turn them to the twisted version of the original version (I can speculated that all DA is same in Fayth however because of the evil intention,the Aeons also turn evil).They are similar with our regular Aeons,but they have more darker apperance and sporting blemishes.From Final Fantasy X-2,Shuyin`s hatred also turn the Aeons into their Dark Aeons form.So make clearly that The Aeons apperances is depend to those who summoned them,

They mainly blocked the chamber of the fayth of their respective Fayth.But not all DA at all.With a little chance of surviving,,Yuna and Team must raise their skill in order to beat the dark Aeons!

Raising your Stats

Defeated each DA,would be easy if you have a good stat.Raising your character by regular Sphere Grid,wouldn`t be enough.So you shall need more sphere to fill the empty nod in Sphere Grid.They are Strength,Defense,Accuracy,Evasion,and even Luck.To do this,you must complete certain condition in Monster Arena in Calm Lands otherwise,you must captured certain fiends to unlock special creature that drops the sphere that you need.So if you mind just visit the finalfantasy.wikia.com for more information

1.Dark Valefor

HP Overkill MP
800,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
148 186 120
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
220 105 250
Evasion Luck
10 48
AP (Overkill) Gil
10,000 (15,000) 0

Dark Valefor,is the first challange.Her location is in Besaid Village.So after regain control of airship,and go back to Besaid,this would not be a nice home trip to Wakka,Yuna,and Lulu.A bald ass-kicking Summoner will block your way,and summoned Dark Valefor.You must have at least fairly high strength and magic defense,and necesarily Break HP-Limit.Valefor is quite agile so you must watch out.But since her HP is low, she doesn`t even make any sense than Original Creature in Monster Arena.Her Energy Ray is deal 9999,and can`t Break Damage Limit.But her Overdrive is deadly if your party is still on low level.So Auto-Life is usefull.Just begin with cast Hastega,and attack her.

If your Anima at 255 of strength,she can take Valefor out with single Oblivion.Other way to easy defetaed Valefor,is using high strength Wakka with his Attack Reels!

2.Dark Ifrit

HP Overkill MP
1,400,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
220 177 173
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
163 124 230
Evasion Luck
8 70
AP (Overkill) Gil
20,000 (30,000) 0

Dark Ifrit can be found on Bikanel Island.Just talk to the Al Bhed woman who caim to lost her child in ruins of home.Just say yes to her,and the cut scene will play.Her beloved child is the uncontrollable beast called Dark Ifrit.She then shed her disguised to be the another evil summoner.Dark Ifrit,will pounced his claw at Tidus and the battle started.This fight is much tougher than Valefor.He will counter every attack you throw at him.it is reccomended if you have high strength,defense,and HP.It is aso usefull if you have Auto-Protect ability in your armor.Try to attack with Wakka`s Attack reels,Tidus` Blitz Ace,Anima`s Obivion,and Magus sisters` Delta Attack to slice more damages to Ifrit.On his turn,he will throw his Meteor Strike at you which is non-elemental,but it is not ignored shell.

When you succesfully beat him,the Evil Summoner will run crying try to return to his mom in Bevelle and enjoying licks her nuts but unfortunately he run to Sandagora,and was eaten alive!......HMM!Let`s Go

3.Dark Ixion
HP Overkill MP
1,200,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
176 133 220
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
188 180 254
Evasion Luck
0 36
AP (Overkill) Gil
20,000 (30,000) 0

Ixion is the first of two DA,who must be defeated more than once (in his case twice).Go to the north section of Thunder Plains,and talk to the Yevon Soldier who rest in one of Lightning Tower.He will lured you to the 2 Evil Summoners:bone-less bald old man and his little perky girl.The first battle with Ixion,would be tough.He will counter every move just like Dark Ifrit.You must have high magic defense,and high defense.Have ikku full overdrive and combined Healing Spring and Gambler Spirit to make Hyper Mighty G.I f you think that you not gonna win,your last essort would be Yojimbo`s Zanmato!

When the first battle is over,the Bald man will fall (hey we hit his Aeon,but why he also feel hurt?) to the ground.His child would replace him with the cheap mind game with Tidus.You must try to locate her following the Thunder Bolt that hit the ground.If you find her,the second battle will occur.This battle is far different from the first,as he no longer counter attack!This would be an easy fight!JUST QUICK HIT!

4.Dark Shiva
HP Overkill MP
1,100,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
173 244 163
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
255 255 250
Evasion Luck
0 73
AP (Overkill) Gil
20,000 (30,000) 0

Since when Shiva become black sweet woman (to prevent any racist claims hehehe)?She will guard the entrance to the Macalania temple.It is highly reccomended if you raise your luck and agility to 100 and 255 respectively.Her main attack is function as Quick hit,so the slow party will stand no chance to beat her.Shiva`s Heavenly Strike also deadly and causing full break and berserk.Her Diamond Dust is non-elemental,so summon an Aeon to block the attack.Her HP is low for DA just like Valefor,so if you fast enough,you`ll be find!

Ah yes,if you beat her,the Guado will case you outside just like the first time you leave this place after killing Seymour!If you haven`t beat Sin on Airship battle,they will continue like to case you if you try to enter the temple,but without Dark Shiva appear in front of you.If you already Beat Sin,they would dissapear after you return.

5.Dark Bahamut

HP Overkill MP
4,000,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
245 222 234
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
233 255 250
Evasion Luck
0 102
AP (Overkill) Gil
30,000 (40,000) 0

After you beat the Unsent Bikini Model ooopppssss I mean Lady Yunalesca,Dark Bahamut will take her place in Zanarkand Dome.He is the most difficult DA to beat.Raise your most stats to near perfect save for Luck who nearly impossible to passing 200.He will counter after 5 turn you take on him with his Impulse which inflict Slow and full break on all character.Cast auto-life on you,and protect.Her Overdrive is very Deadly,Mega Flare damage is 40.000 on all character,so casting auto-life is important.once he lost about 3/4 of his HP,Bahamut will fall into one knee

I beat him 4 times so far (3 with Zanmato and once manually).

6.Dark Yojimbo

HP Overkill MP
1,600,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
244 131 210
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
144 243 255
Evasion Luck
0 114
AP (Overkill) Gil
8,000 (10,000) 0

I developed the 3 years rivarly with this arrogant aeon.I once can`t even pass his first battle.Dark Yojimbo found in his own Cavern of stolen Fayth.His high Agility and Accuracy,make you difficult to hit him,if your luck won`t high enough.Surprisingly,he must be defeated 5-times!

He will always ambushed you in the first battle,so this why most low level party lost,Wakizashi deal 25.000 damage and would kill the party in one hit.Daigoro inflict stone and poison,while Kozuka inflict slow and full break.Starting with Hyper Mighty G,and quick hit him.Noted that his Zanmato would ignored auto-life so you must summoned an Aeon to block it.

In order to beat him,you must defeat Yojimbo 5 times in row.If you defeat him in the first battle and leave the cave,you must start all over again.But you can take advantages of this,as you keep item from his battle,so you can farm more valuable items and Weapons and even Ribbon armor.

I hate this guy`s Summoner.He is Arrogant as well as his aeon.Always crossing his hand (just like me) and run away when defeated......Coward

7.Dark Anima

HP Overkill MP
8,000,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
155 255 230
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
255 183 255
Evasion Luck
0 85
AP (Overkill) Gil
30,000 (40,000) 0

The Massive DA.He is also the only Dark Aeons who not have it`s own Summoner,but it is possibly,that she was placed on Gagazet for a long time.Anima is imprisoned underground otherworld.If you want to face her,you must pull her up,by redo the challange of 2nd trial in Gagazet Cave.Throw the ball right at the center and she will appear in Gate of Mountain.

Anima take the honor with 8 mil of HP but she is so slow for dark aeon.Her attack caused poison and stone just like Yojimbo Daigoro attack but now with Zombie.Mega Graviton caused curse,sleep,slow,and silence.Pain is the "Real" Pain in the ASS!Pain inflict instant Death ignored any defenses even againts Aeon who originally imunne againts Death.Ribbon armor is important,and you also must have auto life.Watch out for Oblivion.Maybe only Jesus` Bless can ward it off..It combine attack and osmose at the same time.But it will not ignored autolife.

Start attack with quick hit over and over again.If I count,we must landed 81 quick hits with each damage must be maximum 99999!

8.Dark Magus Sisters

HP Overkill MP
2,500,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
186 207 201
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
168 201 255
Evasion Luck
100 80
AP (Overkill) Gil
10,000 (12,000) 0

HP Overkill MP
3,000,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
175 171 223
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
105 185 255
Evasion Luck
0 40
AP (Overkill) Gil
10,000 (12,000) 0

HP Overkill MP
2,000,000 99,999 999
Strength Magic Defense
148 248 187
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
132 233 255
Evasion Luck
240 130
AP (Overkill) Gil
10,000 (12,000) 0

The Real Pain in the Ass if we fight them at once.They can be encountered at Mushroom rock road valley,and can be dodged.You must running away from them,and after losing much breath,Dark Cindy will lost her trail on you,so left Dark Mindy and Dark Sandy.Once you reach the edge of the valley,immidiately press O and take a lift to the upper level.Dark Sandy will try catch you by the same lift,but Dark Mindy stay down.So you will fight Dark Sandy alone by herself.Just repeat this until all Sisters has been defeated.Their attack is all deadly,so you must raise ur stat into high-end.

If you get caught,you must fight the sisters at ther high power!Their Overdrive meter will be at full,and they able to use the Delta Attack and will kill you quickly.If you get caught,and you sure not to fight them at once,you can use Yojimbo at full overdrive,and finally pay him with a tons of Gil,and hope it Zanmato.This will also kill the Dark Sisters at once!

What Happen After All Dark Aeons Has Been Beaten?

After you send the powerful Dark Aeons` Bad Asses to their graves,something appear at Calm Lands.It is much like the regular pyriflies but more bigger.They ascended into the gorge of the Calm Lands.And something raises from his long hibernation.....PENANCE IS COMING!

I speculated,that Penance is Yevon main face as if you look sharply,his apperance is similar to the symbol of Yevon.Penance also meaning the final Executioner.

HP (Overkill) MP
12,000,000 (99,999) 999
Strength Magic Defense
255 255 240
M. Defense Agility Accuracy
200 255 255
Evasion Luck
0 10
AP (Overkill) Gil
60,000 (65,000) 0

Look at his stat.....He is can be fight on the top of the Airship deck...choose him as the ship destination!
Any party members can be used, but Rikku is recommended because of her Mixes. The recommended armor consists of Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Auto-Potion, and Defense +20%. To use the recommended armor, a large supply of X-Potions is required for Auto-Potion. An alternate armor is Break HP Limit, Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, and Auto-Regen.
The alternate armor is functionally equivalent to the recommended armor, but it enables Penance to be defeated faster because it uses Auto-Regen to heal instead of Auto-Potion. However, the alternate armor requires 99,999 HP to use effectively. Ribbon is not necessary, as with the correct strategy the player can prevent the arms from attacking and the only status effects inflicted by the main body are Slow, which is blocked by Auto-Haste, and Armor Break, which cannot be blocked.
Quick Hit, Use, Cheer, and Dispel are useful commands. Useful items are Three Stars to allow the party to attack without using MP, Stamina Tonics to double the characters' HP, and a Purifying Salt to remove Penance's Haste upon entering the second form.
The party can use Rikku's Overdrive to reduce the damage of Penance's attacks. Mixing two Healing Springs to produce Ultra NulAll has the same effect as five Cheers, which can reduce the damage of Penance's attacks to below 9,999 because the party will take 1/3 less damage. If it is required to heal over 9,999 HP, a Healing Spring and Map can be mixed to produce Super Elixir which fully heals the party's HP and MP. To heal the party for 9,999 HP, the items Healing Water or Megalixir can be used.
In Penance's first form the body only attacks with Obliteration which deals around 23,000 HP to the whole party, but the effect can be halved with Protect and further reduced by Cheer or Ultra NulAll so it does less than 9,999 damage. With the right strategy, the arms won't get a turn to attack at all. As soon as the battle starts the party should kill one of the arms, because if the party kill them in a row, the arms will also revive in a row, which means the party won't have enough turns to kill both arms after they regenerate. By killing one arm off instantly the player can ensure the arms won't regenerate together.
As soon as possible, a Three Stars should be used to reduce the MP cost to zero. Additionally, Ultra NulAll or at least four Cheers should be used to reduce the damage of Penance's attacks. The most effective strategy isn't to kill the arms as soon as possible, but to kill them right before their turn so they take longer to revive giving the party more time to attack the body. An arm is killed in six hits, so the best strategy is to start out by hitting an arm five times (with Quick Hit) leaving it in position where it can be killed at any time. After both arms have been hit five times the party can start attacking the body until the arms are about to get a turn, at which point the party should kill the arms. The party should never allow the arms to get a turn.
After taking 3,000,000 HP damage, Penance's tail will fall off and it will enter its second form. In its second form Penance's only attack will be Immolation, which deals enormous HP and MP damage to one target and also inflicts Armor Break. It is necessary to use the White Magic, Dispel, to remove the Armor Break status from the victim of the attack. Otherwise, the character will be killed if he or she is hit again. On the plus side, since Immolation only hits one party member at a time, counterattacks work, so Tidus, Auron, Wakka and Kimahri can remove a significant portion of Penance's health through counterattacks.
During Penance's second form the party should continue on with the same strategy as in the first form, except to use a Purifying Salt to remove Penance's Haste status and Dispel to remove Armor Break from the victims of Immolation.

Head-ache??me too!!!Pay Yojimbo,and ZANMATO`ED HIM!!!!!!Penance will be defeated and exploded into the tons of Pyriflies and shining ball that welcoming your victory againts Yevon dark plan to you!

Relation with Storyline

For Me personally,they just serve as the superbosses.But i also think that they can related to the main storyline.

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